I love haiku. I have spent many an evening writing in haiku with family and friends.

I live for haiku
Syllables and brevity
A geeky girl's dream

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I welcome your comments especially if they are left in haiku form.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On dating, marriage, love, and none of the above

Ready to shout yes
If only he'd ask me out
HEY! I'm over here!


I say as I pass
"Heck yes, I'll go out with you!"
It still didn't work.


I'm available
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Anytime really


Tall, dark, and handsome
Or even short, pale, and plain
ANYONE will do!


Tired of waiting
Destined to be an old maid
Pity, pity me

(by: the now married Amy)


Someday my prince will...
Will what? Come? I doubt it now.
The years have been cruel.

(Again from Amy)


My future husband
Hmmmm.... Will that day ever come?
Guess we'll wait and see.


A new singles branch
Tons of boys ripe and ready
There's hope for me yet!


Fireworks above
And a stirring in my bosom
This must be true love


My mom says aloud
"Oh, a grandbaby for me!"
Then sits back. Hopeless.

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